In the future-facing limitless creative playground of ELAYES, we aim to imagine things not yet present. Fusing patterns, motifs, and figures, we give rise to new concepts, ideas, and techniques in multiple dimensions. Everything first begins with a thought or a feeling, and as we expand that into the digital world, we are sure the emergence of new technology in the physical one will follow.
Our continuous exploration and crafting of spatial textures and materials are richly interwoven with words and tales. As such, stories soaked in layers of abstraction appear with each of our creations. We invite you to dream and ponder through the bias of our narratives: between metallic surfaces reacting to the imprints of wind and flowers forever blossoming in fractals.
ELAYES is the meeting point of systems exploring perceptions and emotions of the future. Through characters and fabric, digital design meets and expands the boundaries of present textiles and self-expression: Will clothing provide a new interface of connection? Will ownership of data prevail through it? Will emotions transmute, mutating and generating new chemicals for our brains to experience? As a mirror of society, how will fashion metamorphose through these various changes?
We aim to answer these questions and give rise to new ones in our futuristic fields of cyberspace.
Our continuous exploration and crafting of spatial textures and materials are richly interwoven with words and tales. As such, stories soaked in layers of abstraction appear with each of our creations. We invite you to dream and ponder through the bias of our narratives: between metallic surfaces reacting to the imprints of wind and flowers forever blossoming in fractals.
ELAYES is the meeting point of systems exploring perceptions and emotions of the future. Through characters and fabric, digital design meets and expands the boundaries of present textiles and self-expression: Will clothing provide a new interface of connection? Will ownership of data prevail through it? Will emotions transmute, mutating and generating new chemicals for our brains to experience? As a mirror of society, how will fashion metamorphose through these various changes?
We aim to answer these questions and give rise to new ones in our futuristic fields of cyberspace.